Choose Your Cigar Packaging Pouch from Trusted Pouch Supplier
Did you ever think of boxes or bags as branding? Tell your brand story through custom boxes and bespoke packaging. Source Pack is a one-window operation for all your printing and packaging requirements. Select from a variety of sizes, designs, and colors to create an impactful first impression!
Source Pack cigar compostable pouches are amongst the highly reliable and durable packaging materials for various tobacco products and they are able to provide excellent strength, moisture resistant and a long lasting shelf life of the products.
Source Pack cigar pouches are available in stock as well as custom printed selections as per the client’s requirements. For our custom printed bags, we make use of the latest rotogravure technique so that we are able to print up to nine different colors.
Our cigar pouches provide brand coverage and health information on the label so it would bevibrantly displayed on our custom printed tobacco bags enhancing the brand recognition and consumer safety.
The first thing we do is meeting with our clients and talk through their goals on a future project.
During this meeting, feel free to communicate your ideas and ask lots of questions.
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+86 15768279008